If it is necessary to close school because of weather or other emergencies, either in the morning or during the day, the administration will post closings through numerous channels. Updates will be shared on this site, via robocall, email and our private and public social media platforms.
For television coverage, please check Fox 9, WCCO, and KARE-11. Stations vary in their timeliness of posting school closing information. If you see a closure on one station, assume that school is closed. Notice of emergency closings will also be posted on the website and communicated through LGA email and Facebook.
Due to the distances that many families commute and long bus rides in inclement weather, families are urged to use their own judgment in determining if their child should remain at home. If parents or guardians opt to keep students at home, the front office must be notified to avoid an unexcused absence.
Because Lionsgate students come from a wide geographic area, Lionsgate may decide to open late, close early or close school more frequently than traditional districts whose students are geographically concentrated. Student safety is at the center of all decisions to close school due to weather.
School Closings and Alerts
Lionsgate Academy makes every possible effort to keep schools open, in most weather conditions, if travel is safe. Unless we announce otherwise, assume school is in session.
The decision to close school is based on numerous factors. Lionsgate Academy, unlike many district and neighborhood schools, draws students from over 37 independent school districts. Often their commutes take them on major thoroughfares in the metro. Therefore, Lionsgate Academy is usually conservative in our decisions regarding road safety and school closings. Student safety is at the center of all decisions to close school due to weather. We will do our best to make the decision the evening before, but sometimes, we will need to make the decision in the morning.
Parents make the final decision about whether or not to send their students to school if they believe weather conditions present a safety issue. No school credit is lost and the absence is excused if a parent decides to keep a student home because of the weather. If parents or guardians opt to keep students at home, the front office must be notified to avoid an unexcused absence.
For any snowy or cold conditions, please be sure students are dressed for the weather. With winter weather, please also allow for the occasional delay with van pick-up and drop off times.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are all the potential scenarios with winter weather closings?
There are four primary scenarios possible with winter weather and school closings:
*Schools are closed for the day.
*Schools are released early.
*Schools have a delayed start.
*Schools buildings are closed and there is an E- learning day with learning continuing online (or other resources based on classroom and student need).
How will I know if school is closed, released early, there is a delayed start or an E-learning day?
*An alert notification will be sent to you by phone and email based upon information on file with the school district.
*The banner at the top left of our homepage at https://lionsgate.academy/ will be updated.
*We will post a message on our Facebook page and in the Lionsgate Families Facebook group.
*We will share information via school closing messages on KARE-11, KMSP Fox 9 and WCCO.
It is imperative to keep your contact information updated in order to receive direct communication. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and staff member to inform front office staff of any changes that occur during the school year (e.g., address, email address or phone number).
What are the procedures for when there is a two-hour delayed start?
If the start of school is delayed for two hours, the following would usually occur:
*Transportation will run two hours later than usual
*All schools will start exactly two hours later than usual
*Continue to monitor the district website and email for a possible change to a closure
*All staff should report two hours later than their usual starting times
What are the procedures for when school is dismissed early?
If inclement weather (or facilities issue) causes a school or schools to be dismissed early, the following typically occurs:
*Parents/guardians of students that have special education and need hand to hand or eye to eye transfer will receive a phone call from the case manager or other school staff to ensure that an adult will be at home when the student arrives at home.
*Vans will pick up students at the early dismissal time. Because the early dismissal time can vary, the school cannot provide an exact drop off time.
*Students that have parent pick up must be picked up promptly at the early dismissal time. There is no aftercare supervision provided.
*Any scheduled extracurricular events for the afternoon/evening will be canceled.
Staff are not allowed to leave until their principal/site director has announced that staff can leave (after all students have been picked up).
What is an E-learning day and what are the procedures when one is called?
E-learning days are an opportunity for students to continue learning at home when school buildings are closed due to severe winter weather. When an E-learning day is called, students are not allowed to physically come to school but are expected to participate in instruction online using Google Classroom (or other resources based on classroom and student need).
All schools in Minnesota have a required amount of active, teacher-facilitated learning time for students. In the event that we have a school cancellation due to inclement weather, Lionsgate Academy can decide to call up to five E-learning days during a school year.
We communicate E-learning days following our regular notification process.
If an E-learning day is called:
*The principal/site director for the school will send parents information specific to that school.
*Students will be expected to participate in online instructional activities (or other activities based on student need).
*Parents/guardians are expected to report absences if students are not able to participate in instructional activities that day